ENGLISH VERSION He was a solar divinity, the primitive patron of Heliopolis. He was represented by the figure of a man, with the pharaoh’s crown and he was associated with…
ENGLISH VERSION He was a solar divinity, the primitive patron of Heliopolis. He was represented by the figure of a man, with the pharaoh’s crown and he was associated with…
ANCIENT EGYPT Isis was the bride and sister of Osiris To her goes the institution of the family and the teaching to the women of the weaving and of the…
Ra, deification of the visible sun, he was worshipped in various places in Egypt before the theology in Eliopolis took possession of him. The first aspect of the myth, is…
This coleoptera (scarabeus sacer), quite common in Egypt, had an extraordinary fortune. Truth to tell it’s not exactly know why this insect became the symbol of the becoming and the…
Lunar God, considered Bastet’s son, his presence was known already in the Ancient Reign. The most ancient representation comes from Pepi’s II funeral temple. In the Middle Reign a temple…
Osiris appeared for the first time in Busiris, where he took the place of the shepherd-god Andjeti, assimilating all his qualities. The most ancient version of Osiris’s undertakings is on…
God Horus identifies, both in Egypt and Nubia, with various local divinities: as a solar divinity he is Haroeris, Harakhthe, Harmakis, Horo of Behedet. As Isis’s son he is Arpocrate…
Since the I dynasty the cult for an Apis Bull (Hop in the local language) is alive in Ancient Egypt, as a rural divinity simbol of the generation and fecundating…
ANCIENT EGYPT GODS (Apophis, Apop, Apep) Maybe it was the python that in the prehistoric epoch was present in the muddy areas of the Delta that gave the Egyptians the…