Medicine in Ancient Epypt

10 anni ago

In the Egyptian medicine there were two different tendencies: the magical-religious one, which included very primitive elements, and the empirical-rational one, based…


10 anni ago

ANCIENT EGYPT Bastet was a divinity represented by a woman with the head of a cat. Probably she was originally…

Khufu (Cheope)

10 anni ago

  Names: Cheope, Khufu (or Khufwey, according to Gardiner), Suphis, Horo Medjdo Dynasty: IV ( 2630-2510 BC) Years of reign:…

The Astronomy

11 anni ago

The Egyptian astronomy remained clung, on the whole, on rudimentary notions. Anyway the arrangement of the calendar involved the use…


11 anni ago

  NEFERTITI (XVIII dynasty). According to the last interpretations, Nefertiti is considered Ay's daughter, who was Teie's brother, nephew of…

Rites for resurrection

11 anni ago

Greetings to you Osiris, Lord of Eternity, King of the many Names, Of the sacred transformation Of the secret forms…


11 anni ago

Because the world had been created by the vital power of the universe, the eternal spirit, had to return, when…

Goddess Anuket

11 anni ago

Anuket is a Goddess of the island Sehel, in Assuan, she was part of a local divine threefold with the…

Isis and the mysterious cult

11 anni ago

  Isis’s cult was mysterious, as it was celebrated by believers initiated to its mysteries, secretly. This cult had a…

The house and the furnishings

11 anni ago

What has remained of the civilian Egyptian building, let the archaeologists make interesting observations. Outside the valley of the Nile,…